The more I think about it the more I understand how morally bankrupt the Governing Body really is. They are willing to sacrifice the well being of their rank and file members children to keep the Corporation prosperous.
They whole heartily will throw those those child under the bus to protect their precious corporation and allow them to be subjected to a molester because, quite frankly they do not give a dam about them and will even disfellowship minor victims of such abuse and not even care in the slightest about their emotional or physical well being in the harm of such actions.
These guys are so devoid of any humanity this cult has glutted them of a conscience that can give them any moral awareness of how despicable they really are(too caught up in this faithful and discreet slave fantasy to care or except blame), they should be taken some where and marched off a cliff with their mascot sock puppet Jehovah leading the band.